Do I replace my 24-105…

…for the faster 24-70 f2.8 and give up on the IS capability? This question has been burning on the minds of owners for years. There had to come a time that it was me. Well, I was not so aware of the 24-70, so it was a simple choice to get something of good quality and versatile. The 24-105 suited my requirements and after much deliberation still does.
I’ve now tried them both and in all honestly they are just two different lenses and you need to know which of the two best suits you.

What the images show below is the narrowing of the DOF you Getty having the faster f2.8 lens. I could have shown the extra 30mm length you get on the 24-105 lens equally. I know they are small images, but quality between them was unnoticed. You decide.

Having said that, knowing what I know today, I would have gone for the faster lens to begin with.