Dorset Project II

Dorset Shoot 2013

Dorset Shoot

Need to get an early morning eerie look to Corfe Castle. It has to be very early to get the Sun rise further to the east of the ruin. So need to position on the west mound.

Landscape gear

Natural Light

Bring light snack for early morning

How To Prepare For Successful Landscape Shoots [Before You Head Out]


Here was the plan for the day, could not have been simpler.

Destination Corfe Castle:
03:00 Warm up car, safety & fuel level check
03:25 Leave to GB’s in Wokingham
04:00 Leave to mine in Fleet
04:30 Leave to target destination: Purbeck (Corfe Castle)
06:30 Setup kit and waiting on hill
07:18 Sunrise

Oct 7th 2013
Okay, we were trying again almost a year later in the hope that we could get the right conditions for that shot. An eerie look to the ruin, was it going to be today we wondered. Up at 03:35 we over slept, by just a few minutes. Sent an SMS text to PB only to have returned notice that he overslept too (oh dear). You see we were all going in a single vehicle this time. Mind you, we had a quick chat where he confirmed there was fog outside (great news!).

Coffee and a bagel, wash and dressed MC and I were waiting by the door. Actually not for too long as we saw break lights shining through the door pane. We were on our way to Purbeck at 04:37, “…seven minutes late…” I said. Soon on the M3 we travelled for a constant speed well within the speed limits as we followed a patrol vehicle from almost the start till the Andover exit. Then soon after we quickly rectified coming off at a junction too early, mistakenly thinking we were picking up the M27.


Well almost a couple of hours later, a few miss turns, but we got there and guess what. No fog! Where had it all gone, there was nothing at all. The ruins could be clearly seen together with stars in the sky. This time it was pitch black with no moonlight to shine the way up the hill for us. Again that climb seemed like a gym workout of 20-30 minutes on the Stairmaster.

So we decided where along the hill we would setup and wait in hope of a glorious Sunrise.


Whilst setup, as you do you hit the shutter a few times, do some checks at least to ensure you can actually take a picture. Then a cry comes up the hill from PB “…guys can you see this…” To our amazement the clear view we had from one hill to the castle ruin began to mist up out of no where. It was a sight to see.


Quick sort the camera out and shoot…


What we found was that the mist varies through the early morning in density till the Sun finally rises, so it’s a question of waiting for what scene you like.



FB Webpage

Well after years of having but not using a Facebook account I recently decided to succumb. Not that I’m against having an online diary, I mean that’s what this site is all about! but… initially privacy and security where just not healthy enough for me at the time.

I think the features are great on FB, not to mention it also serves as a great portal to all sorts of information and contacts on many many subjects.

I was asked “would you keep WordPress going though” and I’m not too sure. They are still very different things (although the gap is closing). Put it this way, am I likely to see feature of FB on WP in the future, well I think yes. All these sites just provide a fancy GUI on top of a database no more than that. The rest is up to the community they attract.

Anyway, here’s the link, have a look and Oh! please hit the ‘Like’ as there’s some feature that kicks in after receiving a number of ‘likes’.
